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Having Manners is the New Cool

Samira Hammadi

Teenagers are the future leaders of the world and have a great impact on their society in the present.

.Teenagers are the future leaders of the world and have a great impact on their society in the present. The only way to tell the difference between good and bad behaviors is through manners. Discipline during childhood and adolescence is extremely important but not exclusive to the parents. It’s true that it all starts with the parents and from the nuclear family, but teens build their characters from their environment. Also, the most powerful role model in any child’s life is the same-sex parent. It’s a fact that children learn vicariously by observing the behavior of others and noting the consequences of their actions.

Having Manners is The New Cool was written with teenagers’ best interest in mind because the author wants them to have a friendly and easy way to read the etiquette guide that would help them to navigate through life with manners and confidence.

The book is a reminder for the next generations to always remember that having manners is cool and being polite is trendy. Also, honesty, respect and consideration are considered the passport for the life any teenager is aiming to have.

Good and healthy habits are not implemented overnight, it takes time, effort and consistency to develop good, healthy and virtuous habits. During adolescence, teens discover new traits within themselves and start to build their personalities.

Teens are usually rebellious and tough to manage, act like they own the world and the universe should comply to their desires and needs. Sometimes, they feel entitled to have everything they want as the saying goes: “teenagers want what they want when they want it and they want right now!” Then they grow up and get a reality check and a reality shock. They realize that they’re not special, their mothers can’t get them promotions and they can’t get anything they want in life just because they want it. Therefore, we need to teach kids and teenagers early on proper manners and disciplines that shall prepare them for the real world.

Being rebellious can cause teenagers to make wrong decisions and take wrong actions and that shall make all the difference. “Teenage is the best time to define, modify and build your character as you want. It’s the time you decide who and what you want to be.” The author claims.

Etiquettes and manners can improve teenagers’ life and change it for the better. It can grant them a better present and a brighter future. Humans are always seeking excellence and trying to improve themselves and their lives, and manners are better learned at a young age. The author deeply believes in the saying “a gentleman is not defined by the content of his wallet or the cut of his suit. He is defined by his manners and content of his character.”

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If a teenager is eager to have a successful future and get everything he desires in life, he better starts learning mannerism, and “Having manners is the new cool” is the right book that will guide him and help him achieve that. It shall hold his hand and teach him the good manners in every aspect of life by simply following baby steps. A person needs to sacrifice to develop a valuable moral, so, whoever has determination, consistency and goodwill is good to go and this book will change the way he acts and reacts. It will help to uproot old habits and replace them with new healthy ones.

In historical movies, princes and princesses were raised with manners and decency. They were taught to have the highest level of courtesy to get the respect they deserve and to be role models to the people. If a teenager acts like a prince or a princess, people will treat him or her like one. Moreover, birds of a feather flock together. Just as the saying goes, we will only attract people with the same behaviors as ours, whether bad or good.

Samira Hammadi has made it her mission to teach teens how to enhance their personalities and mingle with top-class individuals. The book will teach them how to overcome bad habits that have put them in trouble in the past.

Most people believe that manners are only for the elite. But, the author is convinced that if etiquette was freely accessible to everyone, it will not only change the children’s attitude, but the course of humanity. “Just imagine living in a world where everyone is honest, respectful and considerate, there would be no hatred, racism or wars. Changing the world starts with raising well-mannered children.” The author argues.

The author defines etiquette as the decent and acceptable behavior that distinguishes human beings. It is simply the combination of principles and manners. Principles are the fundamental values set by people such as consideration, respect, and honesty, while manners are a set of conventional rules of personal behavior in polite society, which implies to each country and culture. In short, it is a code of polite and ethical conduct. This code delineates the accepted and expected social behaviors that accord with the norms and conventions observed by a society, a social class, or a social group. Manners are how things are done or should happen, they are time-sensitive and vary between cultures, while principles are timeless and can cross cultural boundaries. Thus, it is important to be polite and kind, always. And, it is a must to behave reasonably, responsibly and appropriately.

Hammadi brings her wisdom to remind teenagers that rules are meant to be broken and lines are meant to be stepped over. Manners will last and never be broken like rules if they’re lived as a lifestyle.

Manners don’t work if someone is pretending, forcing them, or following rules. It is important to not get confused by fake etiquette. Socially and morally acceptable deeds depend on everyone’s perspective.

The author is teaching through this book how to behave the right way, at the right time in the right place. She categorizes etiquettes into 8 categories that are crucial to lead a successful life and thrive in the world. The book is a detailed guide with clear instructions that will teach the proper way to behave in society and to lead a clean and healthy lifestyle.

It’s amazing to be able to learn how to be well-mannered in every aspect of life. It’s fascinating to have manners while eating, communicating, speaking, presenting, during meetings or wedding, etc. Having mannerism is required to earn respect and admiration among peers and colleagues, it shows that the person is cultured and well trained, it leaves reputable marks everywhere that person goes and it leaves a perpetual first impression with others.

Samira Hammadi is adamant to teach every teen out there how to build a life of loyalty and trust, how to become responsible and mature, how to value and maintain relationships, how to build self-esteem and confidence, how to overcome anxiety and nervousness and act appropriately in society, and many more things to improve their lives.

“Old habits die hard.” Habits get harder to implement or change the older you get. So, the earlier, the better, because we all know that the best predictor of future behavior is relevant past behavior.

So, a well-mannered child or teen will, most probably, be a respectful and responsible adult.

As the author writes “proper training starts from home”, we realize that it all starts at home. Learning basic etiquettes, which may seem insignificant and unimportant, is the main pillar of manners.

Having manners is the new cool is a must-have guide for everyone who thrives to succeed in life and dreams about achieving more


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